
\n {t(\"home::Rental service\")}
\n {t(\"home::of powerbanks\")}\n


{t(\"home::Charge on the go!\")}

\n \n\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n

{t(\"home::How it works?\")}

  1. \n

    \n {t(\"home::Install\")}{\" \"}\n \n {t(\"home::the mobile app\")}\n \n

    \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Download on the\")}
    \n App Store\n

    \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Get it on\")}
    \n Google Play\n

    \n \n
  2. \n
  3. \n

    \n {t(\"home::Take\")}{\" \"}\n \n {t(\"home::a powerbank\")}
    \n {t(\"home::at the nearest terminal\")}\n


    \n {t(\n \"home::Find the terminal in the application that is next to you. Scan the QR code or enter the number terminal.\"\n )}\n

  4. \n
  5. \n

    \n {t(\"home::Charge\")}{\" \"}\n \n {t(\"home::on the go\")}
    \n {t(\"home::and hand over in a convenient place\")}\n


    \n {t(\n \"home::Take the powerbank with you and return it anywhere from the app.\"\n )}\n

  6. \n
\n \n\n

\n {t(\"home::Where are we located?\")}\n


{t(\"home::More than 1000 terminals throughout Moscow\")}

\n \n

\n {t(\"home::Transport hubs\")}\n

\n \n

\n {t(\"home::Fitness clubs\")}\n

\n \n

\n {t(\"home::Central markets\")}\n

\n \n

\n {t(\"home::Cafes and restaurants\")}\n

\n \n

\n {t(\"home::Shopping malls\")}\n

\n \n

\n {t(\"home::All over the city\")}\n

\n \n {t(\"home::Find the nearest\")}\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n
  • \n
    \n \n \"\"\n \n
  • \n

{t(\"home::Frequent questions\")}

\n \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::How to take the battery?\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
    1. \n \n {t(\"home::Install\")}\n {\" \"}\n {t(\"home::the mobile app\")}\n
    2. \n
    3. {t(\"home::Log in to the app.\")}
    4. \n
    5. {t(\"home::Choose a convenient payment method.\")}
    6. \n
    7. {t(\"home::Find the nearest terminal on the map.\")}
    8. \n
    9. \n {t(\n \"home::Scan the QR code on the terminal or enter its number manually.\"\n )}\n
    10. \n
    11. \n {t(\n \"home::After 10 seconds, remove the battery from the cell.\"\n )}\n
    12. \n
  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::How much does the rent cost?\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Basic rate:\")}
    \n {t(\"home::50₽/first hour, then 100₽/per day\")}
    \n {t(\n \"home::Please note that the cost may vary in different places and establishments.\"\n )}{\" \"}\n
    \n {t(\n \"home::The current rates are indicated on the terminals and in the application.\"\n )}{\" \"}\n
    \n {t(\n \"home::The money is debited from your card before the start of the rental and according to the time counter.\"\n )}\n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::How to return the battery?\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
    1. \n {t(\n \"home::Find the nearest terminal on the map in the app.\"\n )}\n
    2. \n
    3. \n {t(\"home::Click the “return battery“ button in the app.\")}\n
    4. \n
    5. {t(\"home::Insert the battery into a free cell.\")}
    6. \n
  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::Which phones can be charged?\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    {t(\"home::Each battery has three cables:\")}

    1. Type-C
    2. \n
    3. Lightning
    4. \n
    5. MicroUSB
    6. \n
  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::How many batteries\")}{\" \"}\n \n {t(\"home::can I take?\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\n \"home::You can take up to four powerbanks on one account.\"\n )}\n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::Cooperation with us\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Contact the commercial department by number\")}{\" \"}\n \n 8 (495) 120-18-76\n {\" \"}\n
    \n {t(\"home::On weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00\")}\n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\n \"home::Why do we charge for a day if the power bank charges for only 2 hours?\"\n )}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\n \"home::The power bank charge is enough to fully charge the phone up to 100% in 2 hours (capacity 5000 mAh). The rates are calculated specifically so that you can safely hand over the powerbank at a convenient time and place for you.\"\n )}\n

  • \n \n

    {t(\"home::What to do if\")}

    \n \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::The terminal is not working\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Contact technical support by phone\")}{\" \"}\n \n \n 8 (800) 600-42-64\n \n \n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::The QR code is not readable\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\n \"home::If you are in the subway, then enter 6 digits under the QR code.\"\n )}{\" \"}\n
    \n {t(\n \"home::If in an institution, then contact technical support by phone\"\n )}{\" \"}\n \n \n 8 (800) 600-42-64\n \n \n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::The terminal has run out of batteries\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\n \"home::Find the nearest terminal in the application where there are free batteries.\"\n )}\n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\n \"home::The lease started, but the terminal did not issue the battery\"\n )}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\n \"home::Check the cell again – you may not have seen the issued battery. If nothing has happened, contact technical support by phone\"\n )}{\" \"}\n \n 8 (800) 600-42-64\n \n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\n \"home::The rented battery does not work (the indicator does not light, the cable is torn off)\"\n )}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Contact technical support by phone\")}{\" \"}\n \n \n 8 (800) 600-42-64\n \n \n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\"home::Lost powerbank / damaged\")}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Contact technical support by phone\")}{\" \"}\n \n \n 8 (800) 600-42-64\n \n \n

  • \n
  • \n \n \n {t(\n \"home::There is no access to the phone number and you need to hand over the battery?\"\n )}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\n \"home::If you rent a powerbank to an institution, then just insert it into the terminal.\"\n )}{\" \"}\n
    \n {t(\n \"home::If in the subway, then contact technical support by phone\"\n )}{\" \"}\n \n \n 8 (800) 600-42-64\n \n \n

  • \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Any other questions?\")}\n


    {t(\"home::Write to us! We at EnerGO are all charged up!\")}

    \n \n
    \n \n
    \n {/*

    How it works


    \n {t(\"home::Ready to be always\")}
    \n {t(\"home::in touch?\")}\n


    \n {t(\"home::Download the mobile app\")}
    \n EnerGO{\" \"}\n {t(\"home::from the App Store or Google Play\")}\n

    \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Download on the\")}
    \n App Store\n

    \n \n \n \n

    \n {t(\"home::Get it on\")}
    \n Google Play\n

    \n \n
    \n \n \n
    \n \n
    \n \n \n
    \n \n
    \n \n \n
    \n \n
    \n \n \n \n );\n}\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\n\nexport default function Franchise() {\n useEffect(() => {\n window.location.replace(\"https://fr.energo.app\");\n }, []);\n\n return <>;\n}\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport { useTranslation } from \"react-i18next\";\nimport { Link as ScrollLink } from \"react-scroll\";\nexport default function Header() {\n const { t } = useTranslation();\n\n useEffect(() => {\n let frontEnd = document.createElement(\"script\");\n frontEnd.src = \"/assets/js/_1_anim-menu-btn.js\";\n frontEnd.id = \"_1_anim-menu-btn-js\";\n document.body.appendChild(frontEnd);\n\n return () => {\n document.getElementById(\"_1_anim-menu-btn-js\").remove();\n };\n }, []);\n\n useEffect(() => {\n let frontEnd = document.createElement(\"script\");\n frontEnd.src = \"/assets/js/_1_hiding-nav.js\";\n frontEnd.id = \"_1_hiding-nav-js\";\n document.body.appendChild(frontEnd);\n\n return () => {\n document.getElementById(\"_1_hiding-nav-js\").remove();\n };\n }, []);\n\n useEffect(() => {\n let frontEnd = document.createElement(\"script\");\n frontEnd.src = \"/assets/js/_2_flexi-header.js\";\n frontEnd.id = \"_2_flexi-header-js\";\n document.body.appendChild(frontEnd);\n\n return () => {\n document.getElementById(\"_2_flexi-header-js\").remove();\n };\n }, []);\n\n return (\n <>\n \n \n\n
    \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
    • \n \n {t(\"header::How it works?\")}\n \n
    • \n
    • \n \n {t(\"header::FAQ\")}\n \n
    • \n
    • \n \n {t(\"header::Partners\")}\n \n
    • \n
    • \n \n {t(\"header::Franchise\")}\n \n
    • \n {/*
    • \n \n {t(\"header::Remove profile\")}\n \n
    • */}\n
    • \n \n 8 (800) 600 42\n 64\n \n
    • \n
    \n \n \n );\n}\n","import { useTranslation } from \"react-i18next\";\nimport cn from \"classnames\";\n\nexport default function Footer() {\n const { t, i18n } = useTranslation();\n\n const changeLanguageHandler = (lang) => {\n i18n.changeLanguage(lang);\n };\n\n return (\n <>\n \n \n );\n}\n","import { useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport { useLocation } from \"react-router-dom\";\n\nexport default function ScrollToTop() {\n const { pathname } = useLocation();\n\n useEffect(() => {\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n }, [pathname]);\n\n return null;\n}\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport { Routes, Route, useLocation } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport SmoothScroll from \"smooth-scroll\";\nimport Home from \"./Home\";\nimport Franchise from \"./Franchise\";\nimport Header from \"./Header\";\nimport Footer from \"./Footer\";\nimport ScrollToTop from \"./ScrollToTop\";\nimport \"./styles/style.css\";\n\nexport default function App() {\n const location = useLocation();\n\n useEffect(() => {\n let frontEnd = document.createElement(\"script\");\n frontEnd.src = \"/assets/js/_1_back-to-top.js\"; // 👈 make sure to use the correct path\n frontEnd.id = \"_1_back-to-top-js\";\n document.body.appendChild(frontEnd);\n\n return () => {\n document.getElementById(\"_1_back-to-top-js\").remove();\n };\n }, []);\n\n useEffect(() => {\n const hash = location.hash;\n // Check if there is a hash and if an element with that id exists\n const el = hash && document.getElementById(hash.substr(1));\n if (el) {\n const scroll = new SmoothScroll(\".js-scroll\", {\n speed: 300,\n });\n scroll.animateScroll(el);\n }\n }, [location.hash]);\n\n return (\n
    \n {/*
    \n\n \n } />\n } />\n \n\n
    \n );\n}\n","const reportWebVitals = onPerfEntry => {\n if (onPerfEntry && onPerfEntry instanceof Function) {\n import('web-vitals').then(({ getCLS, getFID, getFCP, getLCP, getTTFB }) => {\n getCLS(onPerfEntry);\n getFID(onPerfEntry);\n getFCP(onPerfEntry);\n getLCP(onPerfEntry);\n getTTFB(onPerfEntry);\n });\n }\n};\n\nexport default reportWebVitals;\n","const en = {\n translation: {\n header: {\n \"How it works?\": \"How it works?\",\n FAQ: \"FAQ\",\n Partners: \"Partners\",\n Franchise: \"Franchise\",\n },\n footer: {\n \"Support service\": \"Support service\",\n \"User Agreement\": \"User Agreement\",\n INN: \"INN\",\n \"ENERGO TECHNOLOGIES LLC\": \"ENERGO TECHNOLOGIES LLC\",\n },\n home: {\n \"Rental service\": \"Rental service\",\n \"of powerbanks\": \"of powerbanks\",\n \"Charge on the go!\": \"Charge on the go!\",\n \"How it works?\": \"How it works?\",\n Install: \"Install\",\n \"the mobile app\": \"the mobile app\",\n \"Download on the\": \"Download on the\",\n \"Get it on\": \"Get it on\",\n Take: \"Take\",\n \"a powerbank\": \"a powerbank\",\n \"at the nearest terminal\": \"at the nearest terminal\",\n \"Find the terminal in the application that is next to you. Scan the QR code or enter the number terminal.\":\n \"Find the terminal in the application that is next to you. Scan the QR code or enter the number terminal.\",\n Charge: \"Charge\",\n \"on the go\": \"on the go\",\n \"and hand over in a convenient place\":\n \"and hand over in a convenient place\",\n \"Take the powerbank with you and return it anywhere from the app.\":\n \"Take the powerbank with you and return it anywhere from the app.\",\n \"Where are we located?\": \"Where are we located?\",\n \"More than 1000 terminals throughout Moscow\":\n \"More than 1000 terminals throughout Moscow\",\n \"Transport hubs\": \"Transport hubs\",\n \"Fitness clubs\": \"Fitness clubs\",\n \"Central markets\": \"Central markets\",\n \"Cafes and restaurants\": \"Cafes and restaurants\",\n \"Shopping malls\": \"Shopping malls\",\n \"All over the city\": \"All over the city\",\n \"Find the nearest\": \"Find the nearest\",\n \"Frequent questions\": \"Frequent questions\",\n \"How to take the battery?\": \"How to take the battery?\",\n \"Log in to the app.\": \"Log in to the app.\",\n \"Choose a convenient payment method.\":\n \"Choose a convenient payment method.\",\n \"Find the nearest terminal on the map.\":\n \"Find the nearest terminal on the map.\",\n \"Scan the QR code on the terminal or enter its number manually.\":\n \"Scan the QR code on the terminal or enter its number manually.\",\n \"After 10 seconds, remove the battery from the cell.\":\n \"After 10 seconds, remove the battery from the cell.\",\n \"How much does the rent cost?\": \"How much does the rent cost?\",\n \"1 hour – 50 rubles.\": \"1 hour – 50 rubles.\",\n \"1 day – 100 rubles.\": \"1 day – 100 rubles.\",\n \"Basic rate:\": \"Basic rate:\",\n \"50₽/first hour, then 100₽/per day\": \"50₽/first hour, then 100₽/per day\",\n \"Please note that the cost may vary in different places and establishments.\":\n \"Please note that the cost may vary in different places and establishments.\",\n \"The current rates are indicated on the terminals and in the application.\":\n \"The current rates are indicated on the terminals and in the application.\",\n \"The money is debited from your card before the start of the rental and according to the time counter.\":\n \"The money is debited from your card before the start of the rental and according to the time counter.\",\n \"How to return the battery?\": \"How to return the battery?\",\n \"Find the nearest terminal on the map in the app.\":\n \"Find the nearest terminal on the map in the app.\",\n \"Click the “return battery“ button in the app.\":\n \"Click the “return battery“ button in the app.\",\n \"Insert the battery into a free cell.\":\n \"Insert the battery into a free cell.\",\n \"Which phones can be charged?\": \"Which phones can be charged?\",\n \"Each battery has three cables:\": \"Each battery has three cables:\",\n \"How many batteries\": \"How many batteries\",\n \"can I take?\": \"can I take?\",\n \"You can take only one battery per account.\":\n \"You can take only one battery per account.\",\n \"You can take up to four powerbanks on one account.\":\n \"You can take up to four powerbanks on one account.\",\n \"Cooperation with us\": \"Cooperation with us\",\n \"Contact the commercial department by number\":\n \"Contact the commercial department by number\",\n \"On weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00\": \"On weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00\",\n \"Why do we charge for a day if the power bank charges for only 2 hours?\":\n \"Why do we charge for a day if the power bank charges for only 2 hours?\",\n \"The power bank charge is enough to fully charge the phone up to 100% in 2 hours (capacity 5000 mAh). The rates are calculated specifically so that you can safely hand over the powerbank at a convenient time and place for you.\":\n \"The power bank charge is enough to fully charge the phone up to 100% in 2 hours (capacity 5000 mAh). The rates are calculated specifically so that you can safely hand over the powerbank at a convenient time and place for you.\",\n \"What to do if\": \"What to do if\",\n \"The terminal is not working\": \"The terminal is not working\",\n \"Contact technical support by phone\":\n \"Contact technical support by phone\",\n \"The QR code is not readable\": \"The QR code is not readable\",\n \"Try entering the number manually.\": \"Try entering the number manually.\",\n \"If you are in the subway, then enter 6 digits under the QR code.\":\n \"If you are in the subway, then enter 6 digits under the QR code.\",\n \"If in an institution, then contact technical support by phone\":\n \"If in an institution, then contact technical support by phone\",\n \"The terminal has run out of batteries\":\n \"The terminal has run out of batteries\",\n \"Find the nearest terminal in the application where there are free batteries.\":\n \"Find the nearest terminal in the application where there are free batteries.\",\n \"The lease started, but the terminal did not issue the battery\":\n \"The lease started, but the terminal did not issue the battery\",\n \"Check the cell again – you may not have seen the issued battery. If nothing has happened, contact technical support by phone\":\n \"Check the cell again – you may not have seen the issued battery. If nothing has happened, contact technical support by phone\",\n \"The rented battery does not work (the indicator does not light, the cable is torn off)\":\n \"The rented battery does not work (the indicator does not light, the cable is torn off)\",\n \"Lost powerbank / damaged\": \"Lost powerbank / damaged\",\n \"There is no access to the phone number and you need to hand over the battery?\":\n \"There is no access to the phone number and you need to hand over the battery?\",\n \"If you rent a powerbank to an institution, then just insert it into the terminal.\":\n \"If you rent a powerbank to an institution, then just insert it into the terminal.\",\n \"If in the subway, then contact technical support by phone\":\n \"If in the subway, then contact technical support by phone\",\n \"Any other questions?\": \"Any other questions?\",\n \"Write to us! We at EnerGO are all charged up!\":\n \"Write to us! We at EnerGO are all charged up!\",\n \"Ready to be always\": \"Ready to be always\",\n \"in touch?\": \"in touch?\",\n \"Download the mobile app\": \"Download the mobile app\",\n \"from the App Store or Google Play\": \"from the App Store or Google Play\",\n },\n franchise: {\n Charge: \"Charge\",\n \"with us!\": \"with us!\",\n \"Become a part\": \"Become a part\",\n \"of the sharing services business\": \"of the sharing services business\",\n \"Make order\": \"Make order\",\n \"Who are we and how does it all work?\":\n \"Who are we and how does it all work?\",\n \"Service of short-term rent\": \"Service of short-term rent\",\n \"of powerbanks for gadgets\": \"of powerbanks for gadgets\",\n \"In our network\": \"In our network\",\n \"there are 1000 terminals\": \"there are 1000 terminals\",\n \"in Moscow\": \"in Moscow\",\n including: \"including\",\n \"100 terminals\": \"100 terminals\",\n \"inside the metro.\": \"inside the subway.\",\n \"The fully automated process of finding\":\n \"The fully automated process of finding\",\n \"the nearest place to rent a powerbank, payment\":\n \"the nearest place to rent a powerbank, payment\",\n \"and refund.\": \"and refund.\",\n \"What do we offer?\": \"What do we offer?\",\n \"Stations with chargers\": \"Stations with chargers\",\n \"4, 8, 24, 48 slots\": \"4, 8, 24, 48 slots\",\n \"Technical support\": \"Technical support\",\n \"We take over most of the work, you only need to arrange the stations\":\n \"We take over most of the work, you only need to arrange the stations\",\n Software: \"Software\",\n \"Partner's personal account\": \"Partner's personal account\",\n \"You will be able to see the service usage statistics\":\n \"You will be able to see the service usage statistics\",\n \"Franchisee's Guide\": \"Franchisee's Guide\",\n \"Instructions for setting up equipment, recommendations for placement locations\":\n \"Instructions for setting up equipment, recommendations for placement locations\",\n \"Terminal formats\": \"Terminal formats\",\n \"1000+ terminals throughout Moscow\": \"1000+ terminals throughout Moscow\",\n \"8 slots\": \"8 slots\",\n \"4 slots\": \"4 slots\",\n \"24 slots\": \"24 slots\",\n \"48 slots\": \"48 slots\",\n Size: \"Size\",\n \"Terminal for\": \"Terminal for\",\n \"Compact, ideal for:\": \"Compact, ideal for:\",\n \"The station is completely autonomous, only the presence of an outlet is required.\":\n \"The station is completely autonomous, only the presence of an outlet is required.\",\n \"cafes, bars, restaurants\": \"cafes, bars, restaurants\",\n \"beauty salons\": \"beauty salons\",\n \"other establishments\": \"other establishments\",\n \"Send a request\": \"Send a request\",\n \"coffee shops\": \"coffee shops\",\n barbershops: \"barbershops\",\n markets: \"markets\",\n universities: \"universities\",\n polyclinics: \"polyclinics\",\n \"shopping centers\": \"shopping centers\",\n airports: \"airports\",\n \"train stations\": \"train stations\",\n \"Franchise conditions\": \"Franchise conditions\",\n \"Return on investment from 9 months\":\n \"Return on investment from 9 months\",\n \"Investments from 450,000 rubles\": \"Investments from 450,000 ₽\",\n \"Royalties 20%\": \"Royalties 20%\",\n \"Lump sum payment of 0 rubles\": \"Lump sum payment of 0 rubles\",\n \"Revenue from the installation\": \"Revenue from the installation\",\n Calculator: \"Calculator\",\n \"Select the terminal type\": \"Select the terminal type\",\n \"Enter the quantity\": \"Enter the quantity\",\n \"Your investment\": \"Your investment\",\n \"Revenue in 12 months\": \"Monthly revenue in one year\",\n \"Get an estimate\": \"Get an estimate\",\n \"Left a request\": \"Left a request\",\n \"What's next?\": \"What's next?\",\n hours: \"hours\",\n \"the time for which\": \"the time for which\",\n \"we will contact you\": \"we will contact you\",\n call: \"call\",\n \"we will answer all your questions and give you a personal offer\":\n \"we will answer all your questions and give you a personal offer\",\n days: \"days\",\n \"the deadline for the conclusion\": \"the deadline for the conclusion\",\n \"of the contract\": \"of the contract\",\n \"Let's charge people together!\": \"Let's charge people together!\",\n \"Send a request and get an offer for your city\":\n \"Send a request and get an offer for your city\",\n \"Phone number\": \"Phone number\",\n \"First Last Name\": \"First Last Name\",\n Email: \"Email\",\n City: \"City\",\n \"By clicking the button you agree to our\":\n \"By clicking the button you agree to our\",\n \"privacy policy\": \"privacy policy\",\n \"Charge on the go!\": \"Charge on the go!\",\n \"Any other questions? Write to us!\": \"Any other questions? Write to us!\",\n \"We at EnerGO are all charged up!\": \"We at EnerGO are all charged up!\",\n \"Need a charging zone\": \"Need a charging zone\",\n \"for an event?\": \"for an event?\",\n \"Do you want to install our\": \"Do you want to install our\",\n \"terminal in your establishment?\": \"terminal in your establishment?\",\n \"EnerGo franchise\": \"EnerGo franchise\",\n \"Why choose us?\": \"Why choose us?\",\n \"Just manage. The key task is to install a charging station in a passageway and provide a second line of technical support.\": \"Just manage. The key task is to install a charging station in a passageway and provide a second line of technical support.\",\n \"The market is growing. Interest in the service is increasing every day.\": \"The market is growing. Interest in the service is increasing every day.\",\n \"No lump-sum payment. You only pay for the equipment.\": \"No lump-sum payment. You only pay for the equipment.\",\n \"The opportunity to purchase a Master franchise. Manage a city, region or country!\": \"The opportunity to purchase a Master franchise. Manage a city, region or country!\",\n \"Quick profit - revenue from the first days of installation.\": \"Quick profit - revenue from the first days of installation.\"\n },\n },\n};\n\nexport default en;\n","const ru = {\n translation: {\n header: {\n \"How it works?\": \"Как это работает?\",\n FAQ: \"FAQ\",\n Partners: \"Партнеры\",\n Franchise: \"Франшиза\",\n },\n footer: {\n \"Support service\": \"Служба поддержки\",\n \"User Agreement\": \"Пользовательское соглашение\",\n INN: \"ИНН\",\n \"ENERGO TECHNOLOGIES LLC\": \"ООО “ЭНЕРГО ТЕХНОЛОДЖИС”\",\n },\n home: {\n \"Rental service\": \"Сервис аренды\",\n \"of powerbanks\": \"павербанков\",\n \"Charge on the go!\": \"Заряжай на ходу!\",\n \"How it works?\": \"Как это работает?\",\n Install: \"Установи\",\n \"the mobile app\": \"мобильное приложение\",\n \"Download on the\": \"Загрузите в\",\n \"Get it on\": \"Доступно в\",\n Take: \"Возьми\",\n \"a powerbank\": \"павербанк\",\n \"at the nearest terminal\": \"в ближайшем терминале\",\n \"Find the terminal in the application that is next to you. Scan the QR code or enter the number terminal.\":\n \"Найди в приложении терминал, который находится рядом с тобой. Отсканируй QR-код или введи номер терминала.\",\n Charge: \"Заряжай\",\n \"on the go\": \"на ходу\",\n \"and hand over in a convenient place\": \"и сдавай в удобном месте\",\n \"Take the powerbank with you and return it anywhere from the app.\":\n \"Возьми павербанк с собой и верни его в любой точке из приложения.\",\n \"Where are we located?\": \"Где нас найти?\",\n \"More than 1000 terminals throughout Moscow\":\n \"Более 1000 терминалов по всей Москве\",\n \"Transport hubs\": \"Транспортные узлы\",\n \"Fitness clubs\": \"Фитнес-клубы\",\n \"Central markets\": \"Центральные рынки\",\n \"Cafes and restaurants\": \"Кафе и рестораны\",\n \"Shopping malls\": \"Торговые центры\",\n \"All over the city\": \"По всему городу\",\n \"Find the nearest\": \"Найти ближайший\",\n \"Frequent questions\": \"Частые вопросы\",\n \"How to take the battery?\": \"Как взять аккумулятор?\",\n \"Log in to the app.\": \"Авторизуйтесь в приложении.\",\n \"Choose a convenient payment method.\": \"Выберите удобный способ оплаты.\",\n \"Find the nearest terminal on the map.\":\n \"Найдите ближайший терминал на карте.\",\n \"Scan the QR code on the terminal or enter its number manually.\":\n \"Отсканируйте QR-код на терминале или введите его номер вручную.\",\n \"After 10 seconds, remove the battery from the cell.\":\n \"Через 10 секунд заберите аккумулятор из ячейки.\",\n \"How much does the rent cost?\": \"Сколько стоит аренда?\",\n \"1 hour – 50 rubles.\": \"1 час – 50 рублей.\",\n \"1 day – 100 rubles.\": \"1 сутки – 100 рублей.\",\n \"Basic rate:\": \"Тариф базовый:\",\n \"50₽/first hour, then 100₽/per day\":\n \"50₽/первый час, затем 100₽/за сутки\",\n \"Please note that the cost may vary in different places and establishments.\":\n \"Обратите внимание, что в различных местах и заведениях стоимость может отличаться.\",\n \"The current rates are indicated on the terminals and in the application.\":\n \"Актуальные тарифы указаны на терминалах и в приложении.\",\n \"The money is debited from your card before the start of the rental and according to the time counter.\":\n \"Деньги списываются с вашей банковской карты до начала аренды.\",\n \"How to return the battery?\": \"Как вернуть аккумулятор?\",\n \"Find the nearest terminal on the map in the app.\":\n \"Найдите ближайший терминал на карте в приложении.\",\n \"Click the “return battery“ button in the app.\":\n \"Нажмите в приложении кнопку “вернуть аккумулятор”.\",\n \"Insert the battery into a free cell.\":\n \"Вставьте аккумулятор в свободную ячейку.\",\n \"Which phones can be charged?\": \"Какие телефоны можно зарядить?\",\n \"Each battery has three cables:\": \"Каждый аккумулятор имеет три кабеля:\",\n \"How many batteries\": \"Сколько аккумуляторов\",\n \"can I take?\": \"я могу взять?\",\n \"You can take only one battery per account.\":\n \"На один аккаунт можно взять только один аккумулятор.\",\n \"You can take up to four powerbanks on one account.\":\n \"На один аккаунт можно взять до четырёх павербанков.\",\n \"Cooperation with us\": \"Сотрудничество с нами\",\n \"Contact the commercial department by number\":\n \"Обратитесь в коммерческий отдел по номеру\",\n \"On weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00\": \"В будни с 9:00 до 18:00\",\n \"Why do we charge for a day if the power bank charges for only 2 hours?\":\n \"Почему мы берём оплату за день, если павербанк заряжает всего 2 часа?\",\n \"The power bank charge is enough to fully charge the phone up to 100% in 2 hours (capacity 5000 mAh). The rates are calculated specifically so that you can safely hand over the powerbank at a convenient time and place for you.\":\n \"Заряда павербанка хватит, чтобы полностью зарядить телефон до 100% за 2 часа (ёмкость 5000 мАч). Тарифы рассчитаны специально, чтобы можно было спокойно сдать павербанк, в удобное вам время и место.\",\n \"What to do if\": \"Что делать, если\",\n \"The terminal is not working\": \"Терминал не работает\",\n \"Contact technical support by phone\":\n \"Обратитесь в техническую поддержку по телефону\",\n \"The QR code is not readable\": \"QR-код не считывается\",\n \"Try entering the number manually.\": \"Попробуйте ввести номер вручную.\",\n \"If you are in the subway, then enter 6 digits under the QR code.\":\n \"Если вы в метро, то введите 6 цифр под QR-кодом.\",\n \"If in an institution, then contact technical support by phone\":\n \"Если в заведении, то обратитесь в техническую поддержку по телефону\",\n \"The terminal has run out of batteries\":\n \"В терминале закончились аккумуляторы\",\n \"Find the nearest terminal in the application where there are free batteries.\":\n \"Найдите в приложении ближайший терминал, где есть свободные аккумуляторы.\",\n \"The lease started, but the terminal did not issue the battery\":\n \"Аренда началась, но терминал не выдал аккумулятор\",\n \"Check the cell again – you may not have seen the issued battery. If nothing has happened, contact technical support by phone\":\n \"Проверьте ячейку еще раз – возможно, вы не увидели выданный аккумулятор. Если ничего не произошло, свяжитесь с технической поддержкой по телефону\",\n \"The rented battery does not work (the indicator does not light, the cable is torn off)\":\n \"Арендованный аккумулятор не работает (не горит индикатор, оторван кабель)\",\n \"Lost powerbank / damaged\": \"Потерял павербанк / повредил\",\n \"There is no access to the phone number and you need to hand over the battery?\":\n \"Нет доступа к номеру телефона и надо сдать аккумулятор?\",\n \"If you rent a powerbank to an institution, then just insert it into the terminal.\":\n \"Если вы сдаете павербанк в заведение, то просто вставьте его в терминал.\",\n \"If in the subway, then contact technical support by phone\":\n \"Если в метро, то обратитесь в техническую поддержку по телефону\",\n \"Any other questions?\": \"Остались вопросы?\",\n \"Write to us! We at EnerGO are all charged up!\":\n \"Напиши нам! Мы в EnerGO все заряжены!\",\n \"Ready to be always\": \"Готов быть всегда\",\n \"in touch?\": \"на связи?\",\n \"Download the mobile app\": \"Скачивай мобильное приложение\",\n \"from the App Store or Google Play\": \"из App Store или Google Play\",\n },\n franchise: {\n Charge: \"Заряжай\",\n \"with us!\": \"вместе с нами!\",\n \"Become a part\": \"Стань частью бизнеса\",\n \"of the sharing services business\": \"шеринговых услуг\",\n \"Make order\": \"Заказать\",\n \"Who are we and how does it all work?\": \"Кто мы и как это все работает?\",\n \"Service of short-term rent\": \"Cервис краткосрочной аренды\",\n \"of powerbanks for gadgets\": \"павербанков для гаджетов\",\n \"In our network\": \"В нашей сети\",\n \"there are 1000 terminals\": \"1000 терминалов\",\n \"in Moscow\": \"в Москве\",\n including: \"включая\",\n \"100 terminals\": \"100 терминалов\",\n \"inside the metro.\": \"внутри метро.\",\n \"The fully automated process of finding\":\n \"Полностью автоматизирован процесс поиска \",\n \"the nearest place to rent a powerbank, payment\":\n \"ближайшего места аренды павербанка, оплата \",\n \"and refund.\": \"и возврат.\",\n \"What do we offer?\": \"Что мы предлагаем?\",\n \"Stations with chargers\": \"Станции с зарядными устройствами\",\n \"4, 8, 24, 48 slots\": \"4, 8, 24, 48 слота\",\n \"Technical support\": \"Техподдержка\",\n \"We take over most of the work, you only need to arrange the stations\":\n \"Большую часть работы мы берем на себя, вам нужно только расставлять станции\",\n Software: \"Программное обеспечение\",\n \"Partner's personal account\": \"Личный кабинет партнера\",\n \"You will be able to see the service usage statistics\":\n \"Вы сможете видеть статистику использования сервиса\",\n \"Franchisee's Guide\": \"Руководство для франчайзи\",\n \"Instructions for setting up equipment, recommendations for placement locations\":\n \"Инструкции по настройке оборудования, рекомендации по местам расстановки\",\n \"Terminal formats\": \"Форматы терминалов\",\n \"1000+ terminals throughout Moscow\": \"1000+ терминалов по всей Москве\",\n \"8 slots\": \"8 слотов\",\n \"4 slots\": \"4 слота\",\n \"24 slots\": \"24 слота\",\n \"48 slots\": \"48 слотов\",\n Size: \"Размер\",\n \"Terminal for\": \"Терминал на\",\n \"Compact, ideal for:\": \"Компактный, идеально подходит для:\",\n \"The station is completely autonomous, only the presence of an outlet is required.\":\n \"Станция полностью автономна, требуется только наличие розетки.\",\n \"cafes, bars, restaurants\": \"кафе, баров, ресторанов\",\n \"beauty salons\": \"салонов красоты\",\n \"other establishments\": \"прочих заведений\",\n \"Send a request\": \"Оставить заявку\",\n \"coffee shops\": \"кофеен\",\n barbershops: \"барбершопов\",\n markets: \"рынков\",\n universities: \"ВУЗов\",\n polyclinics: \"поликлиник\",\n \"shopping centers\": \"торговых центров\",\n airports: \"аэропортов\",\n \"train stations\": \"вокзалов\",\n \"Franchise conditions\": \"Условия франшизы\",\n \"Return on investment from 9 months\": \"Возврат инвестиций от 9 месяцев\",\n \"Investments from 450,000 rubles\": \"Инвестиции от 450 000 руб\",\n \"Royalties 20%\": \"Роялти 20%\",\n \"Lump sum payment of 0 rubles\": \"Паушальный взнос 0 руб\",\n \"Revenue from the installation\": \"Выручка со дня установки\",\n Calculator: \"Калькулятор\",\n \"Select the terminal type\": \"Выберите тип терминала\",\n \"Enter the quantity\": \"Введите количество\",\n \"Your investment\": \"Ваши вложения\",\n \"Revenue in 12 months\": \"Ежемесячная выручка через 1 год\",\n \"Get an estimate\": \"Получить смету\",\n \"Left a request\": \"Оставил заявку\",\n \"What's next?\": \"Что дальше?\",\n hours: \"часа\",\n \"the time for which\": \"время, за которое\",\n \"we will contact you\": \"мы свяжемся с вами\",\n call: \"звонок\",\n \"we will answer all your questions and give you a personal offer\":\n \"ответим на все вопросы и дадим персональное предложение\",\n days: \"days\",\n \"the deadline for the conclusion\": \"срок для заключения\",\n \"of the contract\": \"договора\",\n \"Let's charge people together!\": \"Давай заряжать людей вместе!\",\n \"Send a request and get an offer for your city\":\n \"Оставь заявку и получи предложение для своего города\",\n \"Phone number\": \"Номер телефона\",\n \"First Last Name\": \"Имя Фамилия\",\n Email: \"Почта\",\n City: \"Город\",\n \"By clicking the button you agree to our\":\n \"Нажимая кнопку вы соглашаетесь с нашей\",\n \"privacy policy\": \"политикой конфиденциальности\",\n \"Charge on the go!\": \"Заряжай на ходу!\",\n \"Any other questions? Write to us!\": \"Остались вопросы? Напиши нам!\",\n \"We at EnerGO are all charged up!\": \"Мы в EnerGO все заряжены!\",\n \"Need a charging zone\": \"Нужна зона зарядки\",\n \"for an event?\": \"на мероприятие?\",\n \"Do you want to install our\": \"Хочешь установить наш \",\n \"terminal in your establishment?\": \"терминал в своем заведении?\",\n \"EnerGo franchise\": \"Франшиза EnerGo\",\n \"Why choose us?\": \"Почему выбирают именно нас?\",\n \"Just manage. The key task is to install a charging station in a passageway and provide a second line of technical support.\": \"Просто управлять. Ключевая задача установить зарядную станцию в проходном месте и оказывать вторую линию техподдержки.\",\n \"The market is growing. Interest in the service is increasing every day.\": \"Рынок растет. С каждым днем интерес к сервису увеличивается.\",\n \"No lump-sum payment. You only pay for the equipment.\": \"Отсутствие паушального взноса. Вы платите только за оборудование.\",\n \"The opportunity to purchase a Master franchise. Manage a city, region or country!\": \"Возможность приобрести - Мастер франшизу. Управляй городом,регионом или страной!\",\n \"Quick profit - revenue from the first days of installation.\": \"Быстрый выход на прибыль - выручка с первых дней установки.\"\n },\n },\n};\n\nexport default ru;\n","import i18n from \"i18next\";\nimport { initReactI18next } from \"react-i18next\";\nimport LanguageDetector from \"i18next-browser-languagedetector\";\n// not like to use this?\n// have a look at the Quick start guide\n// for passing in lng and translations on init\nimport en from \"./en\";\nimport ru from \"./ru\";\n\ni18n\n // detect user language\n // learn more: https://github.com/i18next/i18next-browser-languageDetector\n .use(LanguageDetector)\n // pass the i18n instance to react-i18next.\n .use(initReactI18next)\n // init i18next\n // for all options read: https://www.i18next.com/overview/configuration-options\n .init({\n load: \"languageOnly\",\n resources: { en, ru },\n fallbackLng: \"en\",\n detection: {\n order: [\"cookie\", \"navigator\"],\n caches: [\"cookie\"],\n checkWhitelist: true,\n },\n debug: false,\n whitelist: [\"en\", \"ru\"],\n nonExplicitWhitelist: false,\n\n interpolation: {\n escapeValue: false,\n },\n\n nsSeparator: \":::\",\n keySeparator: \"::\",\n });\n\nexport default i18n;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom\";\nimport App from \"./App\";\nimport reportWebVitals from \"./reportWebVitals\";\nimport { BrowserRouter } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport \"./i18n/i18n\";\n\nReactDOM.render(\n \n \n \n \n ,\n document.getElementById(\"root\")\n);\n\n// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function\n// to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log))\n// or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: https://bit.ly/CRA-vitals\nreportWebVitals();\n"],"sourceRoot":""}